Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Defcon 3

All bloggers/Runners are advised to seek shelter immediately, and have emergency gear readied,  Shit's going down again.   Recommend that all Runners find good weapons, and a safe place, with net/phone access.  Have emergency info standing by.  I'm set to weather this storm.

Do not answer doors, unless you're absolutely SURE who it is, and they're not Hallowed.  Even so, keep your weapons handy.

Gather extra batteries for flashlights.

Good luck, all.

edit:  Things have died down here, anyone else starting to get clear?

good work so far,  maybe this Defcon thing is a good idea.

update:Made it to Thanksgiving, blacked out more than I'd like.  Nothing else to report.  May be quiet for a day or two.


  1. I'm ready for his shit tonight as soon as I see slender fail I'ma suck all his energy.

  2. dangerous words, Will.

    He is too dangerous to be underestimated, speaking as one who is in his own bunker, with no windows and a rather nice vaulted door, a sword at his side, several operator symbols, and a fire extinguisher, and a few other surprises.

  3. God help whoever tries to break into my house. As soon as you said defcon 3, I called up a friend who's something of a gun nut (registered NRA member et al). So now I have a small arsenal of firearms, someone crazy enough to help me defend my home, and one HELL of a quesadilla. Totally prepped.

  4. that would be their game plan for the next few days. Picking up the pressure....well happy thanksgiving people, we're going to be in hell for a bit.

  5. Oh look, the Dalek has posted again.

    Well, Thanksgiving at my house is always one hell of a party, no reason to expect this year will be different. Just now, I get to believe Uncle Todd when he says it's time to man the battlestations.

  6. Good luck for all...godsped!

  7. Holy shit there's like ten agents outside. We're on the tenth floor of a hotel but we can still see them down there. Crap we have to run. There coming in.

  8. its up to us to show the same steel Nessa has, don't give in, ever again, I don't want to hear an ounce of panic from anyone, we have to measure up to Nessa's willpower. All of us.

    fuck, hold on.

  9. Zero just thought I'd ask if you know anything about what ever this conduit thing is. J thinks it maybe a person. I thought of Robert first, but doesn't seem to fit. Been powering through blogs to see if I may have missed anything.

  10. They're begining to encircle my Location.

    An Attempt to lay seige?

    Poor, poor pitiful fools......

    He will not take my Identity again. My sense of Self. I am me, and will always be thus.

  11. I feel bad for you all.but ive got things to read.good luck.

  12. back for a moment, had a staredown. was in my fort.

    got a few burns, but place is made of stone. he's pissed, can't get me yet, not weak enough.

    nessa fueled our cause today. show rage, feel it. only thoughts really keep him at bay.

    what about a conduit
    haven't heard about that

  13. Good luck, you guys. I'm hoping for the best for all of you.

  14. Got laid siege to. Survived, need to come up with an alibi for the bodies I'm burning in a ditch. Thank God I live in a relatively remote location, this is the one time it'll work in my favor. I can pass it off as burning rotting wood.

  15. Absolutely nothing on my front. I don't like it. You'd think they'd at least come by for a look see what I'm up to, but there isn't anyone around. neighbors are out of town for turkey day so thats why I'm not sensing them. There are few animals running about outside, but that's actually normal.

  16. Will: Odds are they're scared 'cause they just got whupped en masse by a little white girl with a Glock and her friend. ;)

  17. don't sweat it Will. Not everyone's re-enacting the Alamo like Fizz is...I swear Fizz...*shakes head* I think your siege upped the body count on our side more than any ten blogs put together.

  18. It's making its move I can feel it in the distance.

  19. Survived our encounter. B saved me and killed two agents. Were in a Mcdonalds
    bathroom. Good hiding place so far.


  20. him or his goon squad?

    don't try to 'power' him, Will. Trust me. Just steel yourself

    life, love, light

  21. @Zero - Hey, I don't half-ass things. If I'm gonna play Ol' Dirty Bastard's game, I'm playing with my rules. ;)

  22. This can't be right there are three of them I sense three of them!!! they are circling the perimeter like sharks. . . Help!

  23. calm yourself Will, there's only one construct, he's probably trying to confuse you. steel yourself, damn it. If you break, he gets you.

  24. Deep breaths, mate. Think of it like a mage's mirror image spell in D&D: There's only one real one, and one construct. The third is almost definitely Snack Attack playing mind games.

  25. I know! How the hell is it doing this. How can it be in three places at once?!

  26. Don't even question it, he's a monster, it's what he does, he fucks with you. He's wanting to get in your head. Are you going to let him, or are you going to man up, and follow Nessa's example?

    Get tough will, or you're dead. plain and simple my friend

  27. @Will - Ever read a Lovecraft story? They operate on an entirely different moral code, and they obey different laws of reality. Trying to apply logic as we understand it is usually pointless, with some chinks in the armor.

    @Zero - Man. Did you just imply Nessa's got more chutzpah than him? Fuck you, my ribs are bruised and laughing like this is making them really hurt.

  28. first, prove me wrong

    second, yes. she went through hell on earth today, Fizz. noone has more chutzpah than her, she has all the chutzpah, all of it

  29. I'm not denying it. But to see you say she's got bigger balls than him is the sort of laugh I need (yet don't need, fuck you mortality) tonight.

  30. I agree with you zero Nessa has balls of steal to go through what she did. took a minute to clear my mind, double checked there is only the one out there. It was clouding my sensing capabilities. good lessen for me. don't just rely on my sixth sense to detect him eyes and ears are vital too. watching him now across the street.

  31. heh heh, told you, he's got a lot of tricks! I think you'll be fine now that you saw through all his moves, shin

  32. hmmm

    any number of people, you're obviously part antagonist, but I'm not up for guessing just yet

  33. By the initials I'd say either Robert or Reach. More likely Reach.

  34. It's Rika, according to the blog URL.

    Great, just what we needed.

    Piss off, hon.

  35. Pity you don't know Zero I'm watching you as we speak.
    You only saw me a day ago.

  36. Look, sweetie, we don't have time for playing games. We're waging war out there, and if I ever see you in person I will bash your skull in without hesitation. No matter how cute you are.

  37. @RK - Ah, so the mysterious Rika arises.

    Sod off, bitch, and tell your master his ass is grass come the Solstice. I'm sure he's all happy and prepared for the thrashing he'll get.

  38. Also your boss is a chicken shit Rika. It is to afraid to get close after what happened last time.

  39. But I'm fighting in the war. I'm just on the other team. I'd like to see your best bitch.

  40. Tell your Agent pals they need to make a move, because I'm getting bored just watching them follow me around like a crowd of kittens. I need to sleep sometime.

  41. We've all made your boss look like a fool in this last week, and the best is yet to come.

  42. Ooooh, she called me a bitch.

    Very well, you cunt-sucking moron. Have at it.

  43. heh heh heh

    okay 'Rika' what color pants did you wear yesterday?

  44. @Zero - Should I be worried that that isn't the sort of thing I worry about even about my own clothes? Like, i just now noticed my shirt is green. <.<

  45. Hahaha, the only reason I know what color shirt I wear every day is because I mainly wear blue and almost nothing else. Also jeans. And my red sweatshirt.

  46. I work alone. I'm better then the other's. And to everyone else master cannot be killed. You have no chance at killing him. He will rip you all to pieces.

  47. Blah, blah, doom, gloom, my master is indomitable, etc. etc. You sound like you just walked out of a bad anime.

  48. he hasn't yet. maybe if you hadn't busted me with a monkey wrench yesterday, and used your knife, you could've. why didn't you?

    Come on, spill some beans for me

  49. HAHAHA, I've heard that before.

    Yeah, I'm camped out at the library right now. I'm improvising a ranged weapon to take em out one by one. They're moving like retarded zombies. It's kind of sad.

    Also, like I said, need to sleep sometime. Needed shelter.

  50. He's just getting another excuse to hit on her.

    Shame on you Zero.

    A Keeper

  51. I was expecting that answer, Rika-chan.

  52. jeans aren't always blue, cutie, thanks for playing.

  53. Oh I have much more in store for you. So much more.

  54. Cos unless you're a scene kid or posh, you'd be wearing jeans. Unless you were wearing a skirt, which I doubt, given your high-action role. No wait, that makes it more likely.

  55. @Nessa - You could probably use the bookshelves to make a temporary fort in the library if you remove the actual shelves on the outside (allowing you to climb up the inside) and make each 'wall' three bookshelves deep.

  56. @Fizz - That's not a bad idea. Be back.

  57. @Nessa - My first rule: "Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to turn every location you visit into a defensible holdout in the event of a Class 3 or 4 outbreak."

  58. fair enough, Rika.

    yeah, that's the word Nessa, Posh...that's the style you were wearing. Damn, if you weren't evil, I'd ask you out, but you'd probably turn me down, so no harm there.

    Head's feeling much better, by the way. Thanks for asking.

  59. Fizz, I swear I'm going to sig that

  60. @Jeff(Keeper) - "hit on her": Literally? I'd hope so, I want to see how this chick looks with her face caved in XD

  61. Fizz, is the Zombie Survival Guide your Bible?

    A Keeper

  62. Couldn't resist refreshing, I love troll-bashing

    Back to work.

  63. @Zero - I make it a policy not to try to date people that have attempted to kill me. There was one girl a couple years ago that was the exception to the rule, but that's because she had *amazing* legs. ;) And sig away, mon ami!

    @Nessa - There's the fire we need! How goes the library renovation?

  64. @SuspendedGates - Actually, I'm Irish Catholic. The ZSG (humor book it may be) just has a lot of really good ideas I tend to capitalize on and improve.

  65. You must construct additional pylons!

    I feel so nerdy today.

    A Keeper

  66. Nessa be careful Sister man is on the move again he is no longer in my line of sight or sensing range.

  67. I don't think he normally goes into labyrinths, does he? Oh crap they've started to act up, I guess he turned his attention here

  68. well, Rika, I look forward to your blog

  69. Shit's about to get real, see you on the other side.

  70. keep the peace Nessa, it's going to work out

  71. @Nessa - Shit. Stay safe, stay alert. If you can't make that mini-fort in time, try to find a back room and secure any doors or windows. Make sure you have a reliable means to get up onto the roof if you need to. It won't be comfortable, but in an emergency you can make a running jump onto the next rooftop. Risky, but the payoff (getting to another, safer rooftop) is worth it.

  72. Oh I don't have time for that. I just want to be around you and B as much as I can.

  73. Kicking ass is an art form in your hands Nessa.
    Do us proud young lady.

    A Keeper

  74. with B going out west, you can't be near both of us, cutie. how about a pic for your page?

    anyhoo peeps, gonna patrol my building, see you later.

    don't do anything I wouldn't do...
    actually fuck that.

    don't do anything I'd be chastised for doing

  75. Zero I think she has a thing for and just wont admit it. Guessen Sister-Mister can't keep her motor running long enough to get off.

  76. Don't do anything I'd call Zero out for doing ;)

    As for you, Rika: Sounds like you're going to be doing a lot of running cross-country of you want to keep tabs on the both of them, mate. Good luck with that ;)

  77. Will, wrong time, wrong place.


    Yeah, not happening.

    A Keeper

  78. It's not our fault you deadheads aren't smart enough to specify.

  79. Yeah I'm going to do it I'm well equipped enough now. Got a stun gun, make shift spear, and home made upper body armor.

  80. Zero: Something amazing happened. I'll tell you in the morning, I better get some rest. Maybe then the internet will let me post an entry.

  81. Urgh. Can't believe I forgot my own golden rule....

    All it takes is one with a knife.


    After I've relocated, you and I need to have a heart to heart.

  82. I got a big nothing on my end went out and all was clear. No faceless Freak, no masked minions. Guessing they called it a night. Which means hopefully we can sleep peacefully tonight. Speaking of which good night.

  83. I haven't been murdered in my sleep! Freaking cold, though. Can't stop shivering.

    Internet still not working. I'll email you in an hour if it's not up by then.

  84. Stay on your toes.we may have one the battle,but we have not won the war.

  85. One of you distracted him long enough for me to regain control of my motor functions. Thank you.

    Will, conduits are people who are naturally "in-tune" with the Other Side and can leach off the Tall One's power without his aid. I've...killed some of them, in the past. Before he had me on guard duty. I'll explain more when I can.

  86. Zero I'm in deep shit, and I think it might have gotten to Nessa again. respond if your still around. They've started early tonight.

  87. I don't think I'm going to make it either. . . no way out. . . They've started FUCK!!!!

  88. 0

    01000111 01000101 01010100 00100000 01001111 01010101 01010100

  89. 0101100101101111011101010010011101110010011001010010000001100010011001010111010001110100011001010111001000100000011101000110100001100001011011100010000001110100011010000110000101110100001011000010000001001110011001010111001101110011011000010010111000001101000010100000110100001010010010010110011000100000011010000110010100100111011100110010000001110100011000010110101101100101011011100010000001111001011011110111010100101100001000000110101101100101011001010111000000100000011001100110100101100111011010000111010001101001011011100110011100100000011010010111010000101110001000000101001001100101011011010110010101101101011000100110010101110010001000000111100101100101011100110111010001100101011100100110010001100001011110010010111000001101000010100000110100001010010010010110011000100000011110010110111101110101001001110111001001100101001000000110011101101001011101100110100101101110011001110010000001110101011100000010110000100000010010010010011101101101001000000110011101101111011010010110111001100111001000000111010001101111001000000110011001101001011011100110010000100000011110010110111101110101001000000110000101101110011001000010000001101011011010010110001101101011001000000111100101101111011101010111001000100000011000010111001101110011001000000111000001100101011100100111001101101111011011100110000101101100011011000111100100101110

  90. Your words can't reach them now it's to late surrendering would have been better for you.

  91. 01010011 01010101 01010010 01010010 01000101 01001110 01000100 01000101 01010010

    01010011 01010101 01010010 01010010 01000101 01001110 01000100 01000101 01010010 00100000 01010100 01001111 00100000 01001000 01001001 01010011 00100000 01000011 01001111 01001110 01010100 01010010 01001111 01001100

  92. Can't surrender, mate. One of us has to have to balls to tell Tall, Pale, and Anorexic's groupies to man a glory-hole. Nessa beat him once, she can do it again, and if not, I'll whup her ass until she gets her shit back together.

    edit: And feel free to stop by my place. I whupped you people once, I can do it again.

  93. @Nessa -

  94. Rika report was your operation successful?

  95. Zero if your alive and reading this. I'm on my to where their holding Robert. I'm going to break him out and then head to Frizz's. Love Light Life stay safe.

  96. 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01101111 01101111 01101100

  97. Status update: Nessa in my custody. Gonna keep her here 'til she's herself again.

    Will's on his way to my place. Drawing up living/evacuation plans for two.

    All green over here, Zero, doing regular patrols of my home and keeping an eye out on the surrounding land when I go through my house.
